Thursday, December 27, 2012

Well ... I Already Let the Cat Out of the BAG!!


Some idiot scooped his own blog by posting it on Facebook last night.
However, I'm still excited. I'm going to get to draw BATMAN again. For the first time in 20 years. Nice.

I mentioned one other project for sure yesterday.

I'll be working with the SUPER-TALENTED Cyril Guichard (spouse of the super terrific SCAD Professor and ever nice person, Celeste Guichard) to develop a video game. I'll be doing concept and storytelling work for him in the spring and summer. I won't release details until he says I can.

So, all the people who know me are thinking, "Tom? Doing a video game? He HATES video games!"

No. I don't. I resent the time that they take away from your life. VERY different.

And the third project? The potential one. It's a writing gig. I won't tell you anything yet. The proposal is in. They're looking at it. They'll let me know soon and I'll be screaming from the mountain top.

All three are worth some screaming.

I'll post some BATMAN pencils as soon as I can. I can only put up some panels, but I'll definitely do that.

More to come.



Whit Leopard said...

This is very exciting!! You will definitely have to keep us all updated on these projects. (I'm really excited to see you drawing Batman again.)

David Balan said...

Excellent news! Looking forward to all three!

Anonymous said...

It is true that an artist lyle

Josh Bedard said...

nice! keep the comic drawing alive.

Grok558 said...

Tom, I saw that you are gonna be at Heroes COn, I am unable to attendm, would you take a via Mail commission???